Living childfree after infertility.

ChildfreeInfertility Resources
October 27, 2020


Living childfree after infertility stings at first, but then it slowly fades as you ease into the idea. Once you’ve decided to go childfree you’re left with the task of accepting your decision. Acceptance takes time, healing your wounds takes time, choosing to live a happy life not burdened by the weight of infertility takes time. You can do it! I believe your newfound freedom will help you.

As you slowly make your way beyond infertility, take your time reintroducing the people, places, and activities you love into your daily schedule. Don’t be afraid to try new things too. You might notice yourself slowly lighting back up and reengaging with the world in ways you haven’t in years. Keep going. 


For me, freedom feels like a spontaneous adventure, uncontrollable laughter, learning something new, and playing like a kid again. It’s important for you to figure out what freedom feels like for you. With this in mind, here are three journaling prompts to get you started:

  1. What does freedom look and feel like to you? 

  2. How do you want to feel over the coming months or year? 

  3. What words might you use to describe the experience? 

Take some time to ponder these questions. Pay special attention to those little whispers wanting to be heard or visions bubbling up in your mindseye. Write them down, type them in your phone, or share them with your partner. Keep your list somewhere you’ll see it every day.

Then when you have a free afternoon or weekend take action. Do the very thing you’re craving in that moment. Practice mindfulness while you’re in the midst of it all. Later that evening or the next morning, write down a recap of how you felt and how grateful you are for the experience. Then repeat this process as often as it feels right to you.

Only you know what will make you feel lighter, happier, and freer. Keep doing the very things that align with how you want to feel. Those moments are healing in nature, and the more you seek out joy, the more healing you’ll experience. Good luck!