
We’re excited you took this step forward to receiving the support you need on your infertility journey. The Experience will help empower you to discover new ways to process your feelings and thoughts through this process. We hope you find some peace, comfort, and improved well-being.

Here are a few things to consider before you begin:

-Find a quiet space where you can be alone without any distractions

-Take a moment before beginning to set an intention (don’t worry if you’ve never set one before, they can be as simple as a word, a moment of silence or a phrase like ‘be here now’ for the practice)

-Move through each exercise with an open mind and let go of any self-criticism or judgement

-Allow yourself to get curious about your body, and any emotions or thoughts that bubble up

-As you explore each module, notice what comes up, what did you enjoy, what were you apprehensive about and why

-You’re encouraged to feel or sense for what feels right in your body rather than making a shape