3 Breathing techniques to help you cope

September 21, 2021

Breathing is automatic, it's autonomic, but how often do we check in on how we’re breathing? The breath works as a way to tell our brain if we’re safe, or if we’re in harm's way. The way you’re breathing right now, might be signalling to your brain that you’re not currently safe: stressed out from work, running from the neighborhood dog, worried about that next doctor's appointment.

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Six Steps to Move the Infertility Needle

February 23, 2021

What does being out of balance feel like to you? Generally, when we feel out of balance it’s usually too much or too little energy. Too much energy typically comes in the form of anxiety, and too little energy (with or without depression) can make it difficult or impossible to take a step forward. If we stay in one of these states long enough we might find ourselves in a place of normalcy, or even worse, feeling both of these feelings at the same time. So what do you do?

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One Quick Easy Technique to Reduce Stress – Breathe Deeply

February 16, 2021

Breathing is the one thing we can live without for the shortest period of time. It’s automatic, and it’s rarely something we think about. How’s your breathing? Once we start thinking about our breath we have a tendency to start shaping it and controlling it. Did you do that just now?

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